JUNIQ Summer School on Quantum Computing - Gate-based and Annealing Systems

Building 16.4, room 301 (Forschungszentrum Jülich)

Building 16.4, room 301

Forschungszentrum Jülich

Wilhelm-Johnen-Straße 52428 Jülich

The Jülich Supercomputing Centre will host the summer school on Quantum Computing – Applications on Gate-based and Annealing Systems” from August 26-30, 2024. The school focuses on hands-on experiences in developing and implementing algorithms on both gate-based devices and quantum annealers. Therefore the attendees will make use of the cloud-programming platform of the Jülich UNified Infrastructure for Quantum computing (JUNIQ) to access quantum devices located at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre. The hands-on sessions will be accompanied by several lectures covering basic concepts of gate-based and annealing systems, the design and implementation of use-cases, and big-picture lectures, all given by experts from the field. The summer school will be complemented by an introductory pitch followed by a poster session where attendees present their research activities to each other.

Topics: Introduction to Gate-Based Quantum Computing, Introduction to Quantum Annealing, Introduction to Quantum Simulation, Formulating QUBO Problems and Ising Hamiltonians, Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm, Emulation of Quantum Systems, Classical vs Quantum Optimization.

Participants have to prepare a poster, including a two-minute pitch presentation. Please submit an abstract for your poster, the pitch, and a motivation letter stating why attending this summer school will be beneficial for your current and future research. Submit abstract and motivation letter in one pdf file to training-juniq@fz-juelich.de with the header "Abstract Summer School 2024". In the same e-mail, send the pitch as a separate one-page (corresponding to one slide) pdf file. Your application will only be reviewed if abstract, motivation letter, pitch, and application (follow the "apply now" button) are submitted.

Please note that this is the registration page for on-site participation. In case you want to participate remotely register here.

Important info: given the number of questions regarding the pitch, a short explanation is in order. For the pitch, it is sufficient to merely present your research topic to the audience in a couple of sentences or bullet points. It does not need to be a full summary of your poster or your research.

Registrations closed.