Jun 22 – 23, 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone



The RISC2 project has launched a working group for a convergence between High Performance Computing (HPC), Data Science (including Machine Learning and Deep Learning) and large-scale Scientific Computing.

This working group was proposed by Inria, LNCC, UFRJ/COPPE, partners of the RISC2 project.

Among its actions, the working group aims to organize joint workshops between RISC2 partners.

The convergence between HPC and data science or, in its simplest form, big data, has been a recent topic of interest.
Such convergence will include for instance, the simulations of physical problems modeled by partial differential equations (PDE) systems that in turn generate a huge amount of data.
Another example is combining ML with simulation, which requires a change from typical datasets to scientific datasets, making scientific runtime data analysis necessary for monitoring the ML life cycle.
This first online virtual workshop between RISC2 partners will allow to discuss the main challenges for such a convergence and present ongoing related works, and foster more focused cooperation between partners.


This event will take place on June 22-23, 2022 (online from 4 pm to 8 pm CET).
The European project RISC2 aims to create a network to support the coordination of High-Performance Computing research between Europe and Latin America. Its main goal is exploring the real and potential impact on HPC, namely in coping with the growing environmental and scientific challenges and, therefore, in the economies of Latin America and Europe. Gathering key European HPC actors to encourage stronger cooperation between their research and industrial communities on HPC applications and infrastructure deployment. The results of the RISC2 project will promote the exchange of the best practices in HPC, in Europe and Latin America. The project also focuses on boosting Latin American HPC, promoting the interaction between researchers and policymakers in both regions and strengthening their connection, towards the definition of a coordinated policy and a concrete roadmap for the future.


Registration for this event is currently open.