We recommend the following hotels in Jülich. If you need support to get a room in one of these or another hotel, please contact the organisers.
More hotels and pensions in Jülich are listed on the city website.
Hotel | Address | Contact |
Stadthotel (3*) | Baierstraße 1 52428 Jülich |
Phone: +49 02461 931190 kontakt@stadthotel-juelich.de www.stadthotel-juelich.de |
Am Hexenturm | Große Rurstraße 94 52428 Jülich |
Phone: +49 2461 9706-0 info@hotel-hexenturm.de www.hotel-hexenturm.de |
Hotel Kronenhof |
Kölner Landstraße 9 |
Phone: +49 1523 1737295 |